Triple DES (označovaná jako TDES či 3DES) je bloková šifra založená na šifrování Data Encryption Standard (DES), které se jako vícenásobné šifrování aplikuje třikrát, čímž zvyšuje odolnost proti prolomení.. Původní DES má délku klíče 56 bitů, což se postupem času stalo nedostatečným a klasický DES tak byl ohrožen útoky hrubou silou.

Wikipedia has a strong convention of of keeping sources/references/external links at the end of the article. I don't see why the "Definitive standards" list in this article should be an exception. And how about renaming it to something simpler like "Standards" or "3DES standards"? -- intgr 16:24, 31 May 2010 (UTC) In October of that year, DES was reaffirmed as a federal standard, but this time the standard recommended Triple DES (also referred to as 3DES or TDES). The small key-space of DES, and relatively high computational costs of triple DES resulted in its replacement by AES as a Federal standard, effective May 26, 2002. 3DES is a block cipher which uses 48 rounds in its computation (transpositions and substitutions), and has a key length of 168 bits. The process of 3DES works as follows; 1) Data is encrypted using a 56-bit key. 2) Data is decrypted using a different key. 3) Data is encrypted using a completely new key 3DES is a way to reuse DES implementations, by chaining three instances of DES with different keys. 3DES is believed to still be secure because it requires 2 112 operations which is not achievable with foreseeable technology. 3DES is very slow especially in software implementations because DES was designed for performance in hardware. 트리플 DES(Triple DES)는 각 데이터 블록에 데이터 암호화 알고리즘(DES)을 세번 적용한 트리플 데이터 암호화 알고리즘(TDEA 또는 트리플 DEA) 블록 암호에 대한 일반적인 이름이다.. 표준. 트리플 DES의 알고리즘은 여러 표준 문서에 다양하게 정의되어 있다: RFC 1851, The ESP Triple DES Transform (approved in 1995)

TripleDES, TDEA or 3DES, is multiple applications of the DES algorithm to plain text data to increase the security of the original DES algorithm.As the name implies, the DES algorithm is applied 3 times. There are two variants of TripleDES: the first is two key; and the second is three key. 2-key TDEA provides approximately 80 bits of security, while 3-key TDEA provides approximately 112 bits

DES vs. 3DES. Data encryption is a requirement in the age of cyber criminals and advanced hacking techniques. But the roots of encryption are actually thousands of years old, and encryption in Meilleure cryptanalyse attaque de type rencontre au milieu , attaque de van Oorschot et Wiener, attaque de Stefan Lucks modifier - modifier le code - voir Wikidata (aide) Le Triple DES (aussi appelé 3DES) est un algorithme de chiffrement symétrique par bloc, enchaînant 3 applications successives de l'algorithme DES sur le même bloc de données de 64 bits , avec 2 ou 3 clés DES Triple DES (označovaná jako TDES či 3DES) je bloková šifra založená na šifrování Data Encryption Standard (DES), které se jako vícenásobné šifrování aplikuje třikrát, čímž zvyšuje odolnost proti prolomení.. Původní DES má délku klíče 56 bitů, což se postupem času stalo nedostatečným a klasický DES tak byl ohrožen útoky hrubou silou. 3DES. As the security weaknesses of DES became more apparent, 3DES was proposed as a way of extending its key size without having to build an entirely new algorithm. Rather than using a single key as in DES, 3DES runs the DES algorithm three times, with three 56-bit keys: Key one is used to encrypt the plaintext.

2000年代,des逐漸被3des替代。3des相当于用两个(2tdes)或三个(3tdes)不同的密钥对数据进行三次des加密。2010年代,3des逐漸被更安全的高級加密標準(aes)替代。 2000年10月,在历时接近5年的征集和选拔之后,nist选择了高级加密标准(aes)替代des和3des 。

O 3DES (Triplo DES), sigla para Triple Data Encryption Standard, é um padrão de criptografia baseado em outro algoritmo de criptografia simétrica, o DES, desenvolvido pela IBM em 1974 e adotado como padrão em 1977.O 3DES usa 3 chaves de 64 bits,embora apenas 56 bits de cada chave são efetivamente usados, os outros 8 bits são usados para verificar paridade. În criptografie, 3DES, numit și Triplu DES (în engleză Triple DES) este un cifru pe blocuri format pe baza DES, prin aplicarea acestuia de trei ori.. Algoritm. Când s-a descoperit că cheile pe 56 de biți folosite de DES nu sunt suficiente pentru a proteja împotriva atacurilor cu forță brută, 3DES a fost ales ca modalitate simplă de a mări spațiul cheilor fără nevoia de a trece Triple Data Encryption Standard (DES) is a type of computerized cryptography where block cipher algorithms are applied three times to each data block. 3DES eller Triple DES är en utökning av krypteringsalgoritmen DES, "Data Encryption Standard", som ger förbättrat skydd genom att kryptera samma data tre gånger med DES med olika krypteringsnycklar.Ett antal varianter finns, vanligast är: DES-EDE3: Klartext krypteras med nyckel1, dekrypteras med nyckel2, krypteras med nyckel3. Vilket ger en total nyckelstorlek på 168 bitar. 3DES, joka tunnetaan myös nimellä Triple-DES tai DES-3, on nykyään yleisimmin käytetty DES-salauksen muoto.Se käyttää samaa algoritmia kuin DES, mutta tuo mukaan lisää suojauskertoja (iterations). 3DESistä on kolme eri versiota. Vaikka avaimen pituudet näiden versioiden välillä vaihtelevatkin, ne ovat silti kaikki yhtä turvallisia.