Gpg4win is an email and file encryption package for most versions of Microsoft Windows, which uses GnuPG public-key cryptography for data encryption and digital signatures.

T3388 Kleopatra does not offer ascii armor Tested by starting the encryption from the explorer context menu as well as starting from Kleopatra. Details. Version gpg4win-3.0.0-beta299 and before . Related Objects. Mentions; Mentioned Here T3486: ASCII armor option missing from gpgEX as of gpg4win 3.0.0. wilfriedh created this task. The Gpg4win Compendium The encryption of messages is sometimes described as the second-oldest profession in the world. Encryption techniques were used as far back as Egypt’s pharaoh Khnumhotep II, and during Herodot’s and Cesar’s time. Thanks to Gpg4win, encryption is no longer the reserve of kings, but is accessible to everyone, for free. Tutorial: Encrypt, Decrypt, Sign a file with GPG Public

The Kleopatra Handbook Chapter 1 Introduction Kleopatra is the KDE tool for managingX.509andOpenPGPcertificates in theGpgSMandGPG keyboxes and for retrieving certificates from LDAP and other certificate servers. Kleopatra can be started from KMail’s Tools!Certificate Manager menu, as well as from the command line.

What is PGP encryption and how does it work? | Comparitech

Origin Development & IT - Install GPG4win with Kleopatra

Dec 05, 2011 GnuPG: Encrypting and signing on the clipboard | Helpdesk